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What If You Earned A Six Figure Income Every Year All While Only Working Part Time?

How Would That Change Your Life?

Path of the Freelancer is a blueprint and invitation to step into the world of flourishing as a freelancer.

Trusted By Freelancers
Across America

Keith Taylor
Keith Taylor, Professional Freelance Photographer
"Extremely perceptive and filled with valuable insight"

I've read "Path Of The Freelancer" in its entirety and recommend it to anybody that's looking to start freelancing - in any field - and also to those who already are freelancers. Jason is extremely perceptive and is filled with valuable insight that he regularly pours into others in an effort to help them. This book is his attempt to do that for those that he'd otherwise not be able to help.

toby bloomberg
Toby Bloomberg, Social Media Specialist
"An invaluable resource for both novice [& experienced] freelancers"

"Jason Montoya offers freelancers an in-depth roadmap on how to succeed in what is rapidly becoming the career of choice for many people. The book is structured in eight 'achievements' that logically takes the reader from understanding the lifestyle of a freelancer to marketing, sales, client relationships and finances - from both a business and personal basis. It is a working guide and invaluable resource for both novice freelancers and those who have been involved in this way of making a living for many years."