The First Book Proof Has Arrived For Path Of The Freelancer
The following was originally published by Keith Taylor of Keith Taylor Photography on his Facebook wall.
"This is quick available light portrait I shot this morning of a friend of mine, Jason, with a fresh-off-the-press proof of his new book that should be coming out in April. For the past year, he has been meeting with a group of freelancers once per month - myself being one of them - to discuss its content with us and get our feedback on it. So, it's pretty great to see it all come together for him in print and be so close to being finished.
He also asked me to write the introduction for it, so, it was pretty wild opening it and seeing something I'd written - published in a book. I would imagine if you were to suggest to any of my past high school or college English teachers - when I was in high school or college - that somebody would one day ask me to write a book introduction for them and then publish it. Well. I feel reasonably certain that every single one of them would've laughed at you. I think I would have too.
I've read "Path Of The Freelancer" in its entirety and recommend it to anybody that's looking to start freelancing - in any field - and also to those who already are freelancers. Jason is extremely perceptive and is filled with valuable insight that he regularly pours into others in an effort to help them. This book is his attempt to do that for those that he'd otherwise not be able to help."
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