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How To Start An Income Earning Freelance Writing Business

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Melisa MarzettOur guest author, Melisa Marzett, is a freelance writer with ten years of experience in the writing arena. Working for Findwritingservice, a skilled writing service offering 24/7 dissertation editing, she has an opportunity to do what she loves, travel the world. She is also into sports, fashion, healthy food, and short movies.

Are you a writer, wanting to earn money from this skillset?

Early in life, something wakes up inside and attracts people to writing.

You could take the leap, write something romantic or exciting, and hopefully become a famous traditional author, earning an abundant salary. But for the rest of us aspiring writers, the Internet makes it possible for unknown scribes, experienced and inexperienced, to obtain a sustainable income

And, the earnings of an internet copywriter can far exceed the profit of many traditional writers and authors.

For those of you who want to earn your daily bread by doing what you love, here are four ways on how you could become a financially sustainable writer.

1. Blogging

Every writer MUST have a blog, where s/he will be able to express ideas, insights, and stories with their audience. A blog is also a great platform to start your career as a freelancer. Blogging teaches you to write for magazines well and provides a living example of your work. Publishing new posts facilitates your practice of optimal structure, as well as the development of headlines.

And the possibilities of making money on a blog in today's Internet are endless.

Create your blog, and take ownership of your writing destiny.

Tap into your writing passion while also generating income is your new mission. And, join online communities of other bloggers to help encourage you forward.

2. Freelance Writing

As a freelance writer, you have options. You can write for magazines or print-friendly publications, for business or Internet outlets. If you clearly or beautifully express your thoughts with words, then why not offer your services to employers? As you work alongside business owners, you’ll earn an income, win new clients, and build the foundation for long-term success as a freelance writer.

3. Writing and Selling E-books

The influence of traditional print media has waned over time. And this is a remarkable opportunity for the resourceful Internet writer. 

An excellent option to make money on the Internet is to self-publish your books and reports. And from them, you can create products like podcasts, videos, webinars, or courses to help promote and grow your online platform.

To publish your book, create it in Microsoft Word (or Google docs), and export to a PDF format it for your favorite online publisher (like Amazon). The time it takes for you to become an author, is the amount of time you spend typing out and editing your manuscript.

To succeed in this path will require you learn how to promote and sell the books effectively, but with strong content and an online platform, this is a realistic path of those committed to building a financially viable writing career.

4. Premium Content

There are numerous discussions in the blogosphere about how bloggers can offer premium content for a limited subscription. For example, David Risley, a professional blogger, explored the future of paid access as part of his blogging experience.

It may not be familiar, but it's worth exploring the opportunity. Create an attractive blog with a huge readership, so when you’re ready to monetize exclusive content, you’ll have an audience eager to participate.

So, how about it? Are you cut out to be a freelance writer?

2. Offerings In A Compelling Package

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