What Are The Secrets To Success In Freelancing?
When it comes to success as a freelancer there is no one secret to achieving it. The quicker you can embrace this reality head-on, that there are no silver bullets or magic wands for achieving success, the faster you can actually get there. When you've stopped looking for secrets and begin the hard work of moving forward in your freelance career, you'll also find it's much more fulfilling when you arrive. For those ready to do the hard work today, I've got some guiding principles to help you get there more effectively.
After reflecting on my success in freelancing, I discovered eight achievements flourishing freelancers sustain. You can expect to maintain these eight accomplishments during your freelancing journey. It won’t be easy, but it will be well worth it. Here they are with a question to help you quickly audit how you're doing in each area.
- Fully Committed To Freelance - Are you wavering on employment of freelance?
- Offerings In A Compelling Package - Can you clearly articulate what you offer and how?
- Steady Stream Of Paying Clients - Do you have a feast of famine when it comes to active and new clients?
- Active Clients Are Maximized - Do you provide the most amount of value possible to your customers?
- Unaffected By The Roller Coaster - Are you financially and emotionally affected by the ups and downs of freelancing?
- Wise & Precise Financial Management - Do you have good visibility and accountability around your freelancing finances?
- Unified Personal and Work Lives - Have you found a good balance or has your personal life suffered from freelancing?
- We Share What We've Mastered - Are you hoarding or sharing your wisdom?
Realistically, it can take two or three years to accomplish and sustain all eight of these achievements so, I encourage you to pick one and focus on it. As I outline in more detail in the end of the book, write down some actions you can take to improve. Set a date for when you'll make them happen. Each little step contributes to the larger picture.
If you want additional ideas and resources for a particular achievement, you can find them in the Achievements Library here.
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