Should Freelancers Write A Business Plan?
Yes, freelancers should write a plan, but it can be as simple as stating your intentions. I suggest using the Formula For Intentionality as your framework, and I’ve included the formula below. Each section also includes a list of questions and prompts to help guide you through the process. If you want a deeper dive on this, buy a copy of the book.
(Purpose) Why are you freelancing? Why will your clients hire you?
(Vision) Where will freelancing take you? Where will your services take your customer? Describe that destination in detail. Where will freelancing take you? Describe what your life looks like when you've succeeded.
(Values) Within what guidelines will you operate while going down this road? What guidelines will you expect your clients to follow?
(Mission) How will you traverse this path to the destination? How will you guide your clients through the journey?
Next, you'll want to dissect your mission into more specific details using the anatomy of mission breakdown here.
Within what strategy will you follow to accomplish your how (mission)? How will this help your customer complete their mission?
What are your top goals to accomplish this, within the strategy? How does this align with your client’s goals?
What are the specific actions you’ll take to accomplish these goals?
Once you’ve lived out our strategy with associated goals and actions, it should result in accomplishing both you and your client’s goals. If it doesn’t you’ll need to re-evaluate your strategy, goals, and actions and adjust accordingly.
In addition to the book, we've also created a resource library with additional articles, videos, and podcasts to help you discover your freelancing intentions.
1. Fully Committed To Freelance
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