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Freelancer Packages | How To Promote Yourself as a Freelancer
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2. Offerings In A Compelling Package

It is a tremendous relief to know how much we want to get paid, to know what we do and how we work with clients, and to publish and promote ourselves with confidence. How well we set the stage in this achievement determines how much time and energy we spend on the following ones. The resources below are specifically curated to help you compellingly package your offerings.

A strong freelancing foundation is built around knowing our financial goals, what solutions we offer and how we’ll work with our customers. Once we know these details, we’ll refine them in the publishing and promotion process. It’s hard for people to hire us when they don’t know how we can help them. Can you concisely communicate this when prospects ask?

Checkpoint 1 — Compensation Is Set



Checkpoint 2 — How & What We Offer Is Defined



  • Jessica Kim: Lessons from a Start-Up Mentality: When Jessica Kim was in college, she started her first business out of her dorm room. As a business-minded anthropologist, she shares what can be learned about having great ideas, loving people well and how truly caring can make solutions that create better lives.
  • Myers Briggs Personality Test - 16 Personalities - “It’s so incredible to finally be understood.” Take our Personality Test and get a 'freakishly accurate' description of who you are and why you do things the way you do. Free. No registration required.
  • Personality Test - 123 Test: Free Psychological Tests - Find out how smart you are, what you like to do, and what makes you happy with our free IQ tests, career tests, and personality tests. All tests at 123test.com are designed to help you find serious answers to your questions about IQ, personality, or career assessment.
  • Jason's Example Of Packaged Offerings: On Jason Montoya's personal website, he's setup a work section. It details what he does, how he works with clients and guides them through the process. If you're looking for an example on how to structure this for yourself, click the link.
  • The Fourth Fisherman: It was the subject of headlines around the world: Three Mexican fishermen in a small open boat without any supplies, drifting for more than nine months and 5,500 miles across the Pacific Ocean. Through blistering sun and threatening storms, they battle starvation, dehydration, hopelessness, and death. Their lifelines? An unwavering faith and a tattered Bible. Thoughtfully told with candor and humor, Kissack weaves together the incredible true voyage of fishermen adrift in the sea and his own life’s journey as a man lost in the world. It is a story that will buoy your spirit and renew your hope and faith.
  • Hebrews 11:1: Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.

Checkpoint 3 — Our Package Is Published



  • About.Me: Your Address On The Web. About.me makes it easy for people to learn about you and find your content. Create a free page in minutes with no coding required.

Checkpoint 4 — Our Personal Brand Is Promoted



  • Why Personal Branding is the Most Important Thing You Can Do for Yourself: Building a personal brand on social media is one of the best ways to become a thought leader in your industry. Whether you’re looking to change roles or simply advance your career, developing a personal brand is a great place to start.
  • Jason's About Page: As mentioned in the book, Jason has set up his about page to share his history, story, and major projects. Check it out to see an example of how you could setup your own.
  • Google Drawings: Create diagrams and charts, for free. Choose from a wide variety of shapes to create diagrams and charts. Free from Google.
  • Canva - Easy Graphic Creation: Empowering The World To Design. Join over 10 million people designing on Canva. "The easiest to use design program in the world." -The Webbys - "Canva enables anyone to become a designer" -PSFK
  • Moo.com: Design and print customized Business Cards with MOO! Print a different image on each business card - upload your own design, logo, text and photos online.

2. Offerings In A Compelling Package

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