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Freelancer Mentoring | Why Freelancers Should Teach Others
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8. We Share What We've Mastered

Teaching what we know to others provides us the opportunity to translate what we know in our head into words and practices others can replicate in their own lives. It allows us to better understand our success as well as identify gaps in our knowledge and understanding. The resources below are specifically curated to help you share what you've mastered.

Others benefit from us sharing with them. In our journey, we glean wisdom from lessons learned. This is valuable insight to share privately and publicly. It is the process of teaching what we’ve mastered that helps us fully understand what we know and why we know it. It’s the final and most important step in our journey to success. Who are you helping?

  • Get the Book >> Path Of The Freelancer: Behind these covers, Jason unveils a blueprint and shares personal stories to help guide and equip other freelancers in their difficult but rewarding journey.
  • Download Achievement PDF: We Share What We've Mastered

Checkpoint 1 - We're Sharing Insights With Others


  • Helping The Next Gen Win: Every generation has another one following it. Do you have a responsibility to help the next generation win?
  • Become a Mentor Volunteer: For the Life of Your Business - Since 1964, SCORE has helped more than 10 million aspiring entrepreneurs. Each year, SCORE’s 10,000 volunteer business experts provide 350,000+ free small business mentoring sessions, workshops and educational services to clients in 300 chapters nationwide.
  • Why Leaders Eat Last 99U Talk: In this in-depth talk, ethnographer and leadership expert Simon Sinek reveals the hidden dynamics that inspire leadership and trust. Understanding this deep-seated expectation is the key difference between someone who is just an "authority" versus a true "leader."
  • The Map Book: Great leadership isn't about winning. It's not about pleasing people, and it's certainly not about titles. Great leadership is about making the contribution only you can make for your family and friends, your community or organization, your country or the world. Based in decades of research on adult development, The Map explains how we can take control of our growth and accelerate progress in leadership, life, and legacy.

Checkpoint 2 - We're Broadcasting Our Insights


  • 10 Simple Actions Freelancers Need To Do When Income Dries Up: As a freelancer, there are times when we need to generate income immediately. In red alert mode, we need to move quickly to get paying gigs. Ideally, we discover what to do in red alert mode before it happens, but for those of you who are in this zone now, here are ten actions to help you move forward and suppress the panic.
  • This Simple Idea Will Help You Keep Your Blog Active: While fruitful, maintaining a blog is hard work and can be time-consuming. To make it easier, I've begun testing the idea of doing "quickbits" which are short direct, and helpful blog posts. This idea helps us quickly create content for our blogs.

Checkpoint 3 - We're Actively Mentoring Others


  • Launch A Path Of The Freelancer Mastermind Group: We've put together an agenda and resources to help you help other freelancers. Get started today.
  • The Ripples: Every decision we make changes things. The people we befriend, the examples we set, the problems we solve...
  • Why Leaders Eat Last 99U Talk: In this in-depth talk, ethnographer and leadership expert Simon Sinek reveals the hidden dynamics that inspire leadership and trust. Understanding this deep-seated expectation is the key difference between someone who is just an "authority" versus a true "leader."
  • Manage a Self Organizing Team with Alma Abreu: Alma Abreu went beyond just removing herself from writing content to creating processes to manage her virtual team and training a virtual assistant to do the project management, allowing her to pursue the lifestyle she wants.

Checkpoint 4 - Permanent Beyond-Us System


8. We Share What We've Mastered

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