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Freelancing Blog

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Written by Jason Montoya on 28 June 2016. Posted in Updates.

Project Roadmap

The Writing Process

1 - Freeflow Draft

When I first began writing, I simply wrote the ideas and concepts that came to mind organically. Everything on mind head was quickly transferred to paper. It turned out to be a great way to start the project because I was able to get 2/3's of the book on paper fairly quickly.

2 - Restructured Draft

When I thought about freelancers reading and applying the concepts in the book, I was concerned about the organic nature of my writing. As a result, I decided to make the book more focused and easier to digest. The result led to me identifying eight achievements every successful freelancer must accomplish and sustain. I then took the content I had and placed it in this new structure.

3 - Rough Draft

After I completed moving and adding to the sections from the restructured draft, there were numerous ideas and concepts that I wanted to include but had not yet made their way into the book. There were also obvious gaps that came to light from the restructure. This writing phase started with me assigning these ideas to their respective sections and creating the content for them. It also included moving content around and filling in any gaps.

4 - Fine Tuned Draft

In this phase, I simply read through the book revising it as I went through it. Where I was unsure, I'd make comments and revisit to improve at a later time. My goal for this stage was to get the draft as far as I can on my own. This led to me rereading the digital version multiple time and going through four physical proofs of the book. I also had others read the book and provide their feedback on any issues they discovered. I refinded the book as much as I possible could. For me, I did not need a perfect book, just a really well done one.

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