1. Fully Committed To Freelance
When we see something we want to do, many times we only see the tip of the iceberg, so it’s important we are deliberate in evaluating freelancing. This way, when we move forward we’re not caught
...When we see something we want to do, many times we only see the tip of the iceberg, so it’s important we are deliberate in evaluating freelancing. This way, when we move forward we’re not caught
...The following is an excerpt from Path Of The Freelancer: An Actionable Guide To Flourishing In Freelancing about purpose and how it affects
..."I find the instructor to be very intelligent, thoughtful, and sincere." - Ronald H.
What comes to mind when you hear the word "Freelancing"? For some,
Yes! It’s not only possible but many people actually do it! In During the early years at Noodlehead Marketing, an employee connected me to Jim Beach in regards to ...
Yes, freelancers should write a plan, but it can be as simple as stating your intentions. I suggest using the Formula For Intentionality as your framework, and I’ve included the formula below. Freelancing requires we operate it like a business (because it is!), and it requires a commitment. The responsibility that comes with TL:DR ~ Start with understanding your intentions, discover what you’ll offer, package it well, and promote your personal brand. Primarily, failed freelancers are not fully committed to the craft and all that comes with the commitment. When it gets difficult or they face roadblocks, they
Full-Time Freelancer vs Full-Time Employee: Which One is Better?
Is It Possible To Earn A Good Living As A Freelancer?
And If So, What Advice Do You Have For People Hoping To Pursue This Path?
Jim Beach & Jason Montoya Talk About Flourishing In Freelancing On School For Startups Radio
Should Freelancers Write A Business Plan?
The Path From Fortune 500 To Freelancer
What Are Healthy Expectations For Those Switching From Employment To Freelancing?
Where Do I Start As A Freelancer?
The Long
Why Do Freelancers Fail?